Character Sign-Ups


-Only ONE character per person, please. I don't want this page swamped with sign-ups for characters that I may not be able to put into the story, sorry! ;)
-Once your character appears in the story, you have to comment to keep them alive! Otherwise, they'll die/be taken prisoner and never seen again.
-PLEASE, no special powers. For example, if your dragon is a SandWing, they won't be able to breathe underwater or predict the future, and don't make up your own species/powers.
-Don't say 'same as the main character' for any of the fields.
-No Clothing! These are dragons - they don't wear clothes. 
-Make your character's name fit to their species: A SeaWing would probably have a name that had to do with water, while an IceWing would have one that related to snow/ice. But just because they have names like 'Blaze' or 'Whirlpool' (both characters from the series) doesn't mean that you can call your character 'Flower'! Make it creative!
-If you're commenting anonymously, include your username, so I know who made that character!
-Most dragons look pretty much the same (except for RainWings), so keep your 'Appearance' field fairly similar to the description of their species that I'll include later - please no pink-and-green SkyWings with glow-in-the-dark orange markings! :D
-No canon characters (characters from the series) - that means Clay, Tsunami, Burn, Scarlet, etc., etc., etc.: you get the picture! If you haven't read the Wings of Fire series, ask if one of the names is from a canon character and I'll check the books :3
-Sorry, but your character can't be royalty or a dragonet of destiny - then everyone will want to be one and it would conflict with what goes on in the books.

Now, after all these 'Don't's, how about we get to the different species of dragons?


NightWings: NightWings are powerfully built with black scales, purple underscales, and loosely scattered silver scales that look like stars on the underside of their wings. They are very secretive, to the point where no one knows who their queen is, and supposedly not involved in the War. Their powers include mind reading and seeing the future.

RainWings: RainWings are the smallest of all the dragon species and are also not involved in the War, but for different reasons than the NightWings - they dislike fighting and are very peaceful. Despite the fact that they are often mocked as 'lazy' by the other dragons, when forced to fight, they can be very dangerous. Their scales constantly change colors, usually to reflect their moods, but they can also control the color to blend in, like chameleons, and they have prehensile tails and crests behind their horns. They can also supposedly shoot burning, deadly venom from their fangs, but this has never been confirmed. The queen of the RainWings is Queen Dazzling.

MudWings: MudWings are the largest dragons, usually colored in tan and brown, sometimes with a hint of red. They can easily blend into large enough mud puddles and are very strong. A MudWing can breathe fire, but only if warm enough. They live in sleephouses, or caves under the mud, in family units of brothers and sisters. A dragon with no siblings is called a unisib, and the oldest dragon in the litter is called a bigwings, and is sort of the leader in that unit. Their queen is Queen Moorhen, and they are allied with Burn and the SkyWings in the War.

SandWings: The SandWings are currently split between three sisters that are competing for the throne - Burn, who is allied with the MudWings and the SkyWings, Blister, who is allied with the SeaWings, and Blaze, who is allies with most of the SandWings and the IceWings. They are pale whitish-gold with glittering black eyes and poisonous barbs on the ends of their tails. They love the heat and can breathe fire any time, no matter how hot or cold they are, and can survive for months without water.

SkyWings: SkyWings are red or orange with massive wings and powerful flight muscles. They are incredibly fast, strong fliers and can also breathe fire whenver they want. Their queen is Queen Scarlet, and they fight alongside Burn and the MudWings.

SeaWings: Most SeaWing dragons are blue, turquoise or green, or rarely a very pale bluish-white. They have glow-in-the-dark markings along their tails, sides, wings and face that they can switch on and off at will. They are the best swimmers of all the dragons and can breathe underwater thanks to the gills on their necks. The SeaWings are allied with Blister in the War, and their queen is Queen Coral.

IceWings: IceWings are silvery-white or pale blue with special rough-edged claws that they can use to grip onto slippery ice. They can survive very low temperatures and breathe deadly ice that can badly damage or even kill its victim by way of freezing. Their queen is Queen Glacier and they are allies with  Blaze and the SandWings.


Soldier: A soldier, as their name suggests, fights for their tribe in the War. They live in their tribe's kingdom, but sometimes leave to fight in battles or to reinforce other troops.
Guard: A guard either accompanies the queen of their tribe everywhere to protect them or defends the palace in case of attack.
Prisoner: A prisoner has been captured by one of the enemy sides and is locked up in a prison or dungeon.
Hatchling: A hatchling is still too young to leave their village, but are kept and cared for by their parents.
Gladiator: The SkyWings keep prisoners in a special aerial jail in Queen Scarlet's palace, where they are forced to fight every day for her entertainment. You'd think that after winning a lot, they'd be allowed to leave, but if a dragon wins more than five times, they have to fight the queen's Champion, who no one has ever defeated.
Civilian: Just a normal dragon, who lives in a village and goes about their daily life.
Loner: A dragon who has decided to live alone and either be neutral or fight on a different side.
Exile: Similar to a loner, but a dragon who has escaped from a prison or who has been driven from their tribe.
Talons of Peace: The Talons of Peace are a group of dragons who have decided to fulfill the Dragonet Prophecy. They are mostly made up of exiles and escaped prisoners, with a few normal dragons mixed in. They were also responsible for the egg snatchings where they stole the eggs of the 'dragonets of destiny', who they are raising under a mountain.

Sign-Up Form

Name: What is your character's name?
Gender: Are they a boy or a girl?
Tribe: MudWing, SandWing, SkyWing, SeaWing, RainWing, IceWing, or NightWing?
Personality: What goes on in their head?
Rank: What rank are they?
Appearance: What do they look like? Remember to keep it similar to their species description
Strengths: What are they good at?
Weaknesses: What are they not so good at?
History: What happened in their past?


  1. Oh boy! A WoF fanfitcion!

    Name: Midnight
    Gender: Female
    Tribe: Nightwing (Her mother was a Rainwing, giver her abilities to change colors and shoot venom. If that isn't okay, then just a Nightwing.)
    Personality: Mysterious, shy, quite jumpy, but some dragons say that she's just acting.
    Rank: Talons of Peace. She grew up there because one day, the other dragons there found a Nightwing egg. They couldn't bear to see it die, and took it in. I'm not saying that Midnight is part of the prophecy, unless you want her to be c:
    Appearance: Black, with lighter purple underbelly and flecks of silver scales on her wings. One blue, one purple eye.
    Strengths: Flying, using her powers, sneaking around.
    Weaknesses: Like most Nightwings, Midnight doesn't like war, so she tends to stay away from violent dragons, and for a Nightwing, she is very slenderly built, so she cannot use brute strength.
    History: Midnight was found as an egg, and the Talons of Peace took her in just because they couldn't bear to see another dragon die.

    *Note: If you choose to accept her as a Nightwing-Rainwing hybrid, is it okay if she can shoot venom and change colors? If yes, then usually, she is disguised as a SeaWing.

  2. Name: Frost
    Gender: Female
    Tribe: Icewing
    Personality: Not much, she's pretty friendly and cheerful though hot-tempered and making quick decisions.
    Rank: Soldier
    Appearance: Pale blue with white eyes and underbelly
    Strengths: Flying, attacking, communicating
    Weaknesses: Can't survive in hot places
    History: Nothing much, she doesn't have parents.
